– Before we talk to the Doc, we talk more about the Matthew McConaughey commercials and the story of the woman who got punched over a crying kid. – Dr. Decotiis gives us advice on how to avoid tempting food that is bad for us.
Dr. Decotiis on Better Show – What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Dr. Decotiis on Fox News Happening Now – Rare virus may be behind spike in respiratory illness
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
Dr. DeCotiis on Fox News Happening Now – Zero-calorie sweeteners can raise blood sugar level
Dr. Sue DeCotiis on Fox News Happening Now from Annie Scranton on Vimeo.
Dr. Decotiis on PIX11 – The truth about body fat
Dr. Decotiis on Fox News – What is medical weight loss?
New York News
Dr. Decotiis Contributes to Fox News – 11 foods that make you hungrier
Feeling hungry? You should eat. But what if the foods you’re eating actually make you hungrier than you were before you dug in? It’s a more common conundrum than you might think. “Hunger is a result of many complex interactions that occur in the stomach, intestines, brain, pancreas, and bloodstream,” said weight-loss specialist and board-certified […]
Dr. Decotiis Contributes to The Daily Meal – 10 Dieting Myths You Have to Stop Believing
Losing weight is tough and it can often be an uphill battle for most people. So everyone is looking for a quick fix or a simple solution to shedding the pounds. And one thing there is no shortage of is the number of ever-increasing dieting myths that have many people running in circles when it […]
Dr. Decotiis Contributes to The Daily Meal – 10 Work Snacks That Are Making You Sleepy
During a long grueling day on the job, particularly if you sit behind a desk, snacks become an integral part of how you eat and how you make it through the day. If you choose the right snacks, they can be energy-boosting and stave off hunger until it’s time for the next meal. However, many […]
Dr. Decotiis on Fox Business News, The Willis Report – Should you buy the probiotic hype?
Dr. Decotiis on Fox Business News, The Willis Report Sue DeCotiis on Fox Business News, The Willis Report 7-22-2014 from Annie Scranton on Vimeo.